reader’s comments


[su_quote cite=”Thank you for sharing this with me,  I hope that this journey help you to find healing and relief and wholeness, but I think you are right that there are others that will benefit from hearing about your journey and how this might help them.“ “][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”I have just read your bookextract and it touched my heart. The pictures bring to life what you are expressing and I liked looking at them while reading. I have suffered from sexual abuse myself and I can understand how difficult it is still being part of the same family. I welcome the way you deal with this topic. My great respect for that! I hope your autobiography will find its way into the hearts of people. I just wanted to email you that for I believe that your story can give a lot to people. Finally I can say that it helped me.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Hi, I am looking forward to reading the actual book. The extract was nice to read. While reading I could immediately picture you.

Thanks for trusting me.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Your email has reached us and the attached extract very much touched us. We are full of admiration for the spirit you possess, having gone your own way and still going it. We congratulate you for your unagitated writing style. You succeed in sharing your story with the reader without overwhelming him. We are sure that people affected (and maybe also their relatives) will profit from the lecture of your novel. What you describe here-your way through in-patient therapy- is a topic that is not widely spread-at least not in this intensity.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”It is good to read that writing opened a path for you to deal with your experiences and also to encourage others with your novel. As we also have autobiographical novels in our library I can well imagine that your book will one day find a place on our shelves. I wish you well!“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”It has been a while since I have read your extract. It was funny that I could very well imagine you with all your inner parts: the analyst, the rebellious child, the grown woman.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”I liked your extract a lot. I am looking forward to reading the whole story. I think you are brave and I have great respect for what you are doing.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”Thanks for the extract-You have described me in quite a fitting way. I am looking forward to seeing you again. Until then-enjoy the good things in life.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”I wish you the courage to continue accepting the polyps of this life as part of the same.””/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”We are a counseling centre for pregnant women and we counsel according to guardianship law. Time and again we meet people who had to experience sexual abuse. If this is alright with you, I will forward your extract to our social workers.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”We have finally found the time to read your extract. All credits for this- it sound interesting and above all very sincere what you are writing. We can very well imagine that it took you a lot of work and especially a lot of strength to put all that to paper.“”][/su_quote]

[su_quote cite=”This is a wonderful project. Thanks for sharing it with me!.“”][/su_quote]
