Dear Readers,
Please help Circus Barus! The situation is as follows:
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic the circus had to close down. In contrast to other self- employed people the circus doesn’t receive any money from the Federal State of Germany. When calling the respective authorities the answer was: “YOU HAVE TO SLAUGHTER” your animals or sell them to a zoo. Then, when you have a constant address you will receive money from the State (Hartz IV.) The circus has an address in Schlitz, which is in the middle of Germany. Authorities refuse to accept this address. Here is the link that shows the harshness of German authorities on the circus.
Dear Readers, in these hard times of crisis it is important to stand together and help in the neighborhood. If you happen to have a circus nearby ask how you can help them. Share this campaign or your own to help the animals and people in the circus.
If you have some Money to give tot he circus follow the link below to Crowd-Funding for Circus Barus or do your own Crowd-Funding Project. If we don’t react now, there will be no circusses left after the crisis fort hey all have the same problmes with the authorities. Here comes the link to Crowdfunding for Circus Barus:
I will be very grateful for your help-as will be the whole circus.
Thank you for your help!
Renate Weber